Thursday, March 27, 2008

Studying Media

So, Twyla Gibson, who's from the University of Toronto's McLuhan Program, a genuine media ecologist, and an expert on Eric Havelock in particular, contacted me this past fall saying that she was editing a new online journal up there, and asking if I had something on McLuhan that they could publish in the first issue. The journal is called Media Tropes, and the first issue has recently been published. You can click on the title to take a look at the site, and see what's in the issue. Just wait a minute before you do, I won't keep you long.

So, when Twyla asked me for an article, well, it just so happened that I had a speech that I had given several times by then, the first time being back in 2002. It's gone through several different titles, for different occasions, but overall I think this one is the best, and I think the piece itself is pretty accessible for an academic essay, and serves as a nice introduction to McLuhan's notion that the medium is the message, and a nice introduction to media ecology. So I made a few minor revisions, added the references and citations, and voilà!

You can access and download the article as a PDF file, courtesy of our friendly neighbors to the north--thank you Canadians, we love you!!!

You may have to register first, but I don't think that will result in the Mounties knocking on your door.

And of course, downloading means never having to say you're sorry (and never having to read the damn thing!).

So now, without further ado, here is the article, available free free free for your downloading pleasure:

Studying Media as Media: McLuhan and the Media Ecology Approach

And now, I'd just like to say thank you, and good night, eh? Oh, and pass the Molsons!

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